
Tech drama. An OpenBSD [paranoid] user.

For years I have been using Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. It’s been fine, but I am trying to step away from Big Tech companies and since all of the above are Facebook owned and managed by the mother load Facebook. It had to go. Facebook I used mostly back in college, it was convenient for messaging friends and arranging meet-ups and what not. After college I used it for a couple of more years than I had anticipated, sometimes it is hard to cleanse a habit.

The biggest problem is that almost all of my friends use FB-related software and services without even considering the downsides.

To be continued..

I use brew to install command line applications on my new shiny M1 Mac. Since neovim is not yet available for the M1's I had to fork the HEAD-branch.

Do it like this: brew install --HEAD tree-sitter brew install --HEAD luajit brew install --HEAD neovim

It might brake during the install of tree-sitter, but just build rust and whatever it complains about. After this everything worked out fine.

In times like this, when the corona pandemic hits hard and lot. You might invite friends over for work or play. And when friends are over, there is always a need to share your Wi-Fi, I mean what else are you supposed to do?

But what do you do when you don't want to say your passphrase to all of your friends and neighbours. You can of course share your access point and passphrase with a QR-code. Isn't that fantastic? So how do you do that? Well, it's real easy.

First of all you need to install the application: qrencode This is installed by issuing the following commands: OpenBSD: $ pkg_add libqrencode

Void Linux: $ xbps-install -S qrencode

Arch Linux/Manjaro/etc: $ pacman -S qrencode

Debian/Ubuntu/etc: $ apt install qrencode

Then you have to use a specific format like this: WIFI:S:{SSID};T:{WPA};P:{passphrase};;

On Linux or equivalent system: qrencode -o - -t utf8 'WIFI:S:HomeNetwork;T:WPA;P:ThisismylongpassphrasethatevenIcantremember;;'

There is a template for building (not for musl) it from source in void-packages. I never tried the official binary.

# git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/void-linux/void-packages

# cd void-packages

# ./xbps-src binary-bootstrap

# echo XBPS_ALLOW_RESTRICTED=yes >> etc/conf

# ./xbps-src pkg MEGAsync

$ xbps-install --repository=hostdir/binpkgs MEGAsync

And when Megasync is updated or you do a full $ xbps-install -Su you need to build Megasync from the sources again.

I am really impressed with the new upgrade process in OpenBSD. It's called 'sysupgrade' – “upgrade system to the next release or a new snapshot”.

I am using the awesome service at openbsd.amsterdam for various BSD explorations and teaching myself the whole ecosystem.

Now the 6.5 version has been released into the wild I decided to upgrade my vm on openbsd.amsterdam. Here's the guide to upgrade your vm.

Hope this helps!

Arguing that you don’t care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say. — Edward Snowden

I have been translating Tusky to Swedish for a couple of months now. It is a great and fuzzy feeling when there is a great FOSS-project we all can contribute to.

The last weeks the head developer @ConnyDuck@chaos.social has tested a couple of different translation projects, like Crowdin and now lately Weblate, we both prefer the latter since it is open source and possible to host on your own infrastructure.

I've just donated $12 to Tusky. Consider donating too, every little helps! https://opencollective.com/tusky?referral=32452

Spleen is the new default font in OpenBSD, thanks to Frederic Cambus.

Monospaced bitmap fonts for consoles, terminals, and code editors.

available in 5 sizes: 1. 5x8 2. 8x16 3. 12x24 4. 16x32 5. 32x64

I personally installed the fonts on both Mac OS X and Arch Linux without any issues. The fonts are looking really great.

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