Hi! I have been real busy recently with my new studies. I am studying Programme in Specialist Nursing – Prehospital Nursing for 50% at the same time I am working 85%. To top that up I got a family with two wildering kids of the ages 5 and 2. So this is time consuming.
Hopefully you understand why I have not got the time to write anything for a long time.
As far as I know there is not many cloud providers offering opensuse, so I pulled up my own image to vultr. Since they allow me to use practically any ISO of my choosing.
On OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Void Linux, Manjaro, Debian, Fedora and more..
I read an article found here.
This article is written back in 2015, a wee bit old as pointed out by kungtotte.
kungtotte – @iah buyer beware if you want to use Windows ever and use the same editor. Vim8 works a lot better on that platform and it supports async now too.
It's fairly trivial to turn an init.vim into a vimrc or vice versa though, so I guess it's moot.
Trying out the fediverse interaction. To follow this blog on your favorite fediverse platform just search for @blog@felaktig.info
You really made me love you. I remember way back when I tried FreeBSD for the first time. It was a new and fresh breeze of air hitting me. And now years later I deployed openbsd on a vultr vps. It works wonderfully. And yes it just works. Reading a lot of nice man pages and the initial configuration is just awesome.
After reading https://www.romanzolotarev.com how could I not?
Deploying the instance on vultr, referral link as I'm writing this.
I noticed ITSFOSS wrote about being able to right click on images to get a resize option in Nautilus. This is a really handy tool instead of opening Gimp or any other image tool.
But this is not the optimal way to resize images in KDE. Since KDE is not using Nautilus or the GTK+, or the GIMP toolkit. The default file manager is Dolphin. There once was a tool called KIM (KDE Image Menu) but it seems to not have been updated in 14 years. So after some digging around I found something called ReImage, the latest release is 2.3. With this addon you can Manipulate images and its metadata directly in Dolphin.
You can find additional service menu addons here.
I found this yesterday. He couldn't be more right.
Why do Linux users seem to be so
obsessed with their distro of choice
being “lightweight”? I simply don’t get > it, and quite frankly, I find the whole > notion of “Lightweight Linux”
Go over to Kev Quirk and read the full post.
Formating disks containing antergos..
Installing manjaro KDE went nice the second time, first time around the calamares installer made an exception and aborted.
To what I believe occurred by setting the boot flag on /boot and the root flag on /.
And then after another try, it went smooth. I wonder why it broke down with settings those flags.
beeing an active GNU/Linux user for twenty years. I can hardly remember the first time I installed my first Linux distribution, it was Redhat before Redhat turned RHEL. The year was 1998.
I do not understand why people keeps posting for how long they been using GNU/Linux. Who cares?
Of course I care. It says something about me. Or does it not?!
I have always used a distribution that I thought I needed for my work flow.
With this being said I can not deny I've been a distro hopper. Been using fedora, arch, antergos, manjaro and recently the great opensuse for the last couple of years. Right now I run Antergos with Gnome and I must say I got something quite against Gnome always have since I do not know when. It feels so large and sluggish.
During my recent vacation I decided to make a complete make over on my main machine. Doing a reinstall. The iso prepared is Manjaro KDE.
#gnu #linux